| 1. | I am up to my eyeballs in work . i have no time to surf the net 我的工作堆积如山,没有时间浏览网际网路! |
| 2. | I am up to my eyeballs in work 我的工作堆积如山! |
| 3. | Jeff : hi lu ! i ' ve been up to my eyeballs in work so i haven ' t been out much . i was skinned too up to last week . what you been up to 杰夫:嗨,露塞尔!我工作上一直是忙得不可开交,所以我就没怎么出来。我直到上个礼拜才又有钱了。你一直在忙什么呢? |
| 4. | If you simply dive in and start developing application code , you ll quickly be up to your eyeballs in scribbled notes , hard - to - find bugs , and templates that are sometimes updated and sometimes not 如果一个猛子扎进去开始开发应用程序代码,眼前很快就会充满杂乱的注释、难以寻找的bug ,以及有时已更新有时没更新的模板。 |
| 5. | Diversified product colors as well as flexible design and customization determine the decorative property of products , and exert the function like dotting the eyeball in painting a dragon for the vestibule design of different places 产品色彩的多样性及设计订做的灵活性,决定了产品的装饰性能,为场所的门厅设计起到了画龙点睛的作用。 |
| 6. | In fact , nothing like that will happen . it s not necessary to remove the entire eyeball in order to remove the cornea , so the eyelids will not be affected . likewise , cutting out the cornea will not cause donor s eyes to bleed as cornea contains no blood vessels 其实以上的情况是不会发生的,因为捐赠角膜是无须把眼球取出,所以眼皮是不会下陷;另外,由于眼角膜并无血管,因此割除眼角膜也不会令逝世者的眼睛流血。 |
| 7. | Results secondary blepharoplasty were done in 2 cases with irregular surfaces and 1 case with asymmetrical skin incision ; 3 cases had ecchymosis and 2 cases had separation of eyelid from eyeball in early stage which completely disappeared later ; the others had satisfactory results 结果2例患者因双侧下睑区不规则膨出, 1例患者下睑切口位置高低不一,进行了再次整复术; 3例患者早期下睑皮肤瘀斑明显, 2例患者早期有轻度睑球分离,随着时间的延长,症状都消失;其余患者都取得了满意的效果。 |